Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Weigh In 10/02/2019

Hay guys,
So as I told you yesterday... The Scale is not my friend... Apparently neither is the measuring tape.
So here we go. I weighed myself this morning and did measurements this evening.
Weight: 206.2lbs
  • Neck 14.25in
  • Chest 42 in
  • Bust 44 in
  • Left Arm 12.75 in
  • Right Arm 12.50 in
  • Waist 42.75 in
  • Hips 44 in
  • Left thigh 26 in
  • Right thigh 27 in
  • Left calf 15.25 in
  • Right Calf 15.25 in
So I am surprised at these numbers. Truthfully my calves do not look bigger than my neck. Don't ask me about food today. I had a stressful day and went rouge. Son of a baconator was my best friend. Plus Starbucks for breakfast. Dinner has not happened yet but I am thinking about some steamed broccoli and baked boneless pork chop.

I spent the day holding my tongue and hoping I did not get pushed over the edge. I can honestly say today I strongly dislike my 50% of my team at work. Today they made me wish I had prescription to blaze up. The good thing is I have a prescription to take drops. I will be putting them to use today. I brain is on fire right. FYI, I suffer from chronic migraines and use Medicinal Marijuana to treat the issue.

To be honest I hate using it. I don't understand the love of it. It makes me feel stupid. As someone with ADHD my life is already hell with trying to focus. Now I taking something that completely makes focus impossible. Yeah that just does not work. I had a moment one time where my 17 year old, Donte,  made me laugh just because he was walking by. I just found the sight of him funny. I laugh for hours until I feel asleep. That was the last time I used it until today. FYI, my kids and husband do not approve of my medicine.

So I had a choice to either use the marijuana long term or use one of the various chemical compounds that all have a side effects such as extreme depression and thoughts of suicide. Medication that change your chemical composition so much that you have to be weened off to avoid a depressive state that could lead to suicide. That medicine was not my cup of tea. The most I do is aspirin. Just say no to drugs.

So to give you more about my everyday life. I have 2 sons Donte and Khalil (13). Jackson is my 2 almost 3 year old grey headed Conure (small Parrot). My husband is Paul (35 going on 15). On a day to day basis they all require alot of attention. The most demanding believe or not is the bird and my husband. Some days I am just to tired to comply.

So I am not going to sugar coat anything about my life if you are sensitive this blog is not for you. I am disgusted by my weight pictures but its my current reality. It is motivating me to lose the weight. FYI that's Jackson's cage behind me in the pictures.

Please feel free to comment and share.
I will be weighing in next Wednesday.
If you have any questions or subjects you want to hear about please email me @
Enjoy life,

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